
Below you should get answers to your questions in the ID card application for Roskilde Airport



On 31 December 2021, a new "Executive Order on extended background checks and security clearance of persons having functions in the field of aviation security" enters into force.


This executive order will affect the process of applying for and renewing the airport ID card.


We are therefore working hard to adapt our pages, applications and information to the upcoming requirements.


Until the executive order is finally signed and published, it will unfortunately not be possible to apply for a renewal or a new ID card.


We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

We expect to be ready again within the first week of 2022.

Contact ID-card office

Postal adress:
Roskilde Airport
ID-Card Office
Lufthavnsvej 20
4000 Roskilde


Phone: 32 31 62 10



Opening hours for pick-up: 

Tuesday: 9.00 - 11.30
Thursday: 12.30 - 15.30
Last Thursday in month, Only 15.00 - 18.00

Closed on every public holiday.



Vehicle Pass

Pr. 1 February 2014 has RKE implemented a so-called vehicle pass. A vehicle pass is to equate with an ID card, however, it is registered to a single vehicle. As a private person with a personal identification card, vehicle pass due to the expiry of this while the vehicle passes for company vehicles follows a three year period from the date of issue.

All with private related ID cards may be issued vehicle pass for a vehicle that can be brought to the airside, by completing the following Vehicle Pass application and submit / send it to the ID card office. Vehicle pass get here the same expiry date as the personal ID card and must be renewed along with this. (New ID card application with vehicle pass is released).

You can have a maximum of two private vehicle passes and these should be used at least 15 times in 12 continuous months. Meets is not this being vehicle pass closed and can only be reinstated after the need for access by car to change.

Companies that have vehicles that want access to the airside shall complete and submit / send Vehicle Pass application for ID card office. Vehicle pass will have expiration date three years after the issue and it is the company's sole responsibility to keep the vehicle passes and the expiration date.

Vehicle Pass must, like the personal ID card, ALWAYS scanned electronically at the entry to the airport's restricted zone and must sit visible in the windscreen lower left corner (viewed from the driver) in the provided holder when the vehicle remains of the airport area.